Sunday, February 10, 2013

On the last post I had said I had the pleasure of doing some field work researching a possible sighting in an urban area.  As I do more researching I have come to the conclusion that these amazing primates are much more smarter and way more resourceful than we think.  When you have to find your next meal by any means or you will go hungry while trying to stay out of sight from those pesky humans have made them in many ways much smarter than the average person.  I know that there are people out there that say there is no such being.  I'm not going to go there because I HAVE seen evidence that DO point to a bipedal primate here in Colorado.  Any ways back on my subject.  With what I have been finding my contention is that you do not have to go into the middle of the wilds to find them.  They have adapted to live close by without too much detection.  At least from the mainstream media and science.  People have been seeing them for over 400 years but no one will listen.

I have remarked in one of my earlier posts about my husband and I have been finding evidence of them near campgrounds.  Also I have found evidence of them using a very urban area to pass through to get across I-25 and to a National Forest.  What I'm trying to say is that with the right environment urban areas and many state parks may have these forest beings using them along with us.  That is pretty amazing when you think about it. 

The photo above is at a state park.  In January, I and 3 other investigators went and explored this beautiful park.  We were able to find 3 distinct clothesline pattern tracks of prints.  The one above is in the human range but it was in a clothesline pattern and the stride was very long.  Who would be walking around in January in bare feet?  I also found some snow prints that are possible BigFoot prints.  They were in a clothesline pattern, BIG and wide apart.

So when you are visiting your local park and hear some movements just beyond your sight it may be an 8 foot bipedal primate watching you.


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