Sunday, December 29, 2013

For 2 years I have gone into the wilds of Colorado trying to find the evidence of Bigfoot.  My quest was to find the evidence that points to the existence of a bipedal primate.  I have been all over the beautiful state of Colorado seeking the evidence.  I have been in the northwestern area, the central area, the southern area and yes, even in the outlying urban area of metro Denver.  Each area is unique and different.  The most astonishing part is the urban aspect of my investigations.  How is this possible that this primate is able to do this and live while majority of the people are oblivious?   In my other blog, Hiding in Plain Sight, I have stated how it is possible for them to stay hidden from us.  I have no doubt about this.  It is possible and it is done each day.  There are a lucky few who do see them briefly.

It is this amazing feat that keeps me captivated and looking for more answers.  I am amazed at how something so big can elude us.  I am not surprised because of what I have discovered about them and also knowing human nature.  We humans tend to have tunnel vision about ourselves and the world around us.  It is that aspect and our arrogance that so far have help this elusive primate to stay hidden from our society.

How is this possible about them being in urban areas?  I am not talking about downtown areas or major urban areas.  I am talking about the more rural outlying suburban areas where there are woods, forest and areas to travel and have abundance of deer/elk.  I have investigated 2 urban sightings this year.  This is in neighborhoods that were developed but is close to woods, streams, abundant wildlife.  Able to move undetected using ravines/gulches, wooded creeks/trails and having a major national park somewhat close by is actually feasible.  I was astonished at seeing prints, tree breaks and yes, even a tee pee structure while investigating the urban areas.

While I am amazed at the ability of a group of very large, hairy bipedal primates to move largely undetected in neighborhoods.  I shouldn't be.  Why shouldn't I be?  In my investigations I have been able to get glimpses of their lives.  I know how they travel.  The areas they like to be in.  What they like to eat.  Also how curious they are.  I think there are 2 reasons why they will go into urban areas.

  1. They are in survival mode of living.  They are not like us where we go to the grocery store or to McDonalds to eat.  They have to find food on a consistent basis or they will perish.  Who is messy and have food surrounding them?  People.  We have garbage cans, dog/cat food on porches, gardens and animals that taste good.  This would make an easy mode of foraging with a greater return with not much effort.  We blame coyotes and other wildlife when in fact some of it could be attributed to our forest friends.  Smart.
  2. They are primates with suspected great ape and human genes.  What is one major factor that primates have?  Curiosity.  Who is another primate that walks on 2 legs like Sasquatch?  Humans but seem different.  When you factor in this curiosity with tunnel vision humans, you have urban Sasquatches.  How irresistible it is for them and we are oblivious!
One of my main goals for this new year is to figure out what pathways they use to get to the urban areas that they have been sighted at this past year.  My hope is to figure it out and maybe doing some nighttime stakeouts.

Yes, we think majority of Sasquatches live in the forest far from humans but there are a few who are brazen enough to be urban Sasquatches.  This primate has many surprises still to be discovered.  Never say never with this species.



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