Sunday, September 8, 2013

The adage that when it rains it pours could be applied to me.  I really do need to go out and buy a lottery ticket.  My journey is so unexpected and exciting.  I had another visual this weekend.  This place was over a hundred miles from my research spot and about 50 miles from the other one I had a couple of weeks ago.  I consider all of my recent sightings lucky but this one was truly a chance encounter.  If I wasn't being diligent about looking up and scanning the area then they would have stayed hidden while watching us.

They were black and very big.  One was swaying back and forth on its legs and turned its head to watch one of us as he walked a little bit closer.  He said he could see the face and the cone head shape of its head.  We stayed and watched for a couple more minutes and then left.  We went back the next day.  I found an impression on the game trail that goes right to the spot.

I have no doubt on what I saw.  There were three of them.  All a different size.  The one in the middle was the biggest.  I went from wishing to see one to seeing several in a few short weeks.  WOW!

Ya gotta love it!



  1. Robin, you are now very far from being clueless in bigfooting. Mike SIR

  2. Thank you Mike. I will always feel like I am clueless because of the many unexpected surprises and also the many questions I have about our forest friends.

  3. /Robin you are amazing but... I knew that :) Continued smiles and excitement.
