September of last year, I had invited my friend Sumer to go camping with Roo and I at Roo's Place. She had always shown some interest in Bigfoot. I was not sure what to expect since we had unexpected results with other friends on Labor Day weekend two weeks before. So I got there during the day on a Friday to set camp up. Sumer came later after work. What I am going to share with you is what happened with no embellishments or additions.
Friday night after we both got ready for bed, we laid down on the cots in the tent. We talked for a while and then suddenly we heard something pee right by the tent. It stopped and then something else peed too. It was very close and loud. It sounded large. Bigger than what we would expect from any forest animals. The next morning I got up early to let Roo out and found a very large wet spot by the tent. There was no way it was deer or elk. It would have tripped on the tie down. I am not sure what peed but I have my suspicions.
I also noticed some hand prints on Sumer's vehicle. She had parked where I normally park. In the past while camping there I have found hand prints on my back window. In fact I always check the windows every night there and then in the morning. After talking with her we are pretty sure they were not made by her and were recent. The first one was much bigger than her hand and the other was smaller.
BUT! This is not what I would call the most exciting thing to happen there at Roo's Place. Before I get into that part of the story I want you to look at the pine litter in my pictures. It was very dry and we have had no rain there for several weeks. When you walked, it had a very loud and crisp sound to it.
When Sumer got up Saturday morning she had shared with me something she was not sure of and not sure what to think about it. She wasn't sure if she dreamt it or not. So I asked her to share with me what it was. During the night she had laid right up against the side of the tent with her face on the tent. She said something grabbed her cheeks like people do with baby's cubby cheeks and squeeze them with both hands. Then she said that she heard SOMETHING WALKING AROUND THE TENT ALL NIGHT! I told her I also heard foot steps several times during the night. I had her show me how she was sleeping on the cot and then outside where she was grabbed. I told her I wasn't sure it was a dream since she had so much details to this. I told her maybe she was half awake and that is why it seemed dreamlike. I told her how I was impressed with how she did not scream when it happened or fall apart when she talked about it. I then told her that is why I sleep closer to the middle of the tent when I camp. I pointed out how my cot was about a foot from the side of the tent. LOL My impression of what she told me and how she was able to give me so much details makes me think it happened. The following picture shows Sumer showing me where she was grabbed. I had her go in and laid down exactly how she was and then I tried to grabbed her cheeks with both of my hands. I had no problems doing it and she said that was how she was grabbed. I did check for prints before I did that but couldn't see anything.
The next night I had put up a LED lit balloon just outside of the campsite but close enough for us to see.
Sunday morning I checked the balloon and noticed it was moved. The bottom of the balloon may have been licked.
It was quite the weekend.
This place has not disappointed me. We had a tough winter here in the mountains of Colorado. I have not been able to get in there and explore until recently. So I feel like I am starting all over again there. I know Roo had a hard time there when we camped last weekend. I will share that camping trip next. It is not as exciting as this one but you should not expect things to always happen when you go. That is one of the great things about going to one spot frequently. You can see when they are most active and when they are not. I see a great summer for Roo and I. We will be enjoying the forest. If some 8 foot tall hairy bipedal primate wants to visit with me then it is even better.
So until next time:
WoW! Amazing experiences! :o)