I have been lucky and blessed in many ways in my journey of discovery. Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies (SIR) and others have made my journey more enjoyable and fruitful. I count them part of my extended family. They have been gracious in reaching out and helping a totally but curious clueless person on her journey of discovery. Without them I would be still struggling. Meeting and making friends with others in the Big Foot community makes the journey even better.
I have the privilege of getting to know and investigate with SIR investigator Tony Lombardo. He is producing a documentary on the sizzle or zapping that people have had happened to them that points to Big Foot. I have asked him to write something to share on this blog. I expect when this film comes out it will grab many people's attention. He is a true researcher. I count myself lucky to call him a friend.
My interest in
Bigfoot began
at a very early age right after "
Sasquatch, The Legend of Bigfoot" was released at the
local theater. I was too young to see it and was left home. My sisters filled
me in on the gory details the next day. The fascination festered, but did not
materialize until I began going on expeditions in 2008 with the BFRO. It was
not until then that I began to see things from the inside perspective. I'll
never forget when we were briefed for the first night operation. Brandon Keil,
who was the expedition leader, was talking about Sasquatches, there habits and
behavior. That was the first time I heard someone speak of them as an extant
species. On that trip one of the guys in another group (we were spit into
three) spotted a Sasquatch through a thermal at about 50 yards. It was down in
a river bottom and it turned its head and looked his direction. He freaked out
and was visibly upset the next day and did not need any more convincing. After
this trip, I was hooked and could not wait to go again.
I don't remember exactly when I caught
wind of this strange phenomena, but I heard stories of it several time and found
it fascinating. The next thing I needed is motivation and I got that from
attending one of the local film festivals in California in 2010. Some of the
entries that year were poor quality and not very interesting. I convinced myself
I could make something that had both those elements and if this subject matter
is not interesting, I don't know what is. And so the journey began. I did not
have any formal training to produce, edit and direct a documentary, so I had to
learn fast and made all my mistakes early -planning is everything. I learn
best through trial and error. My first thoughts were that I needed some heavy
hitters in the science community to give the film some credibilty - Jeff
Meldrum, John Bindernagel and Kathy Strain. John Bindernagel is one of the
nicest people you could meet. He was not willing to comment on this phenomena
because he was not familiar with it. In any event, I got some great material to
use from his interview commenting on the discovery of Sasquatch.
Everything in the Bigfoot world goes
through Dr. Jeff Meldrum at one point, or another. My first attempts to set up
an interview with him failed. I decided that he must have reached the
e-mail/phone call saturation point. I finally met up with him at the "Proof of
Evidence" seminar in St. George Utah. To my surprise there were very few people
attending, so I had full access to him. He was very gracious and agreed to an
interview a few weeks later at Idaho State. There is a small section in his
book dedicated to the subject of infrasound and Jeff had a few experiences of
his own. He spoke candidly about it, but chose his words carefully, as most
scientists that sign a talent release form will do. All theory towards
infrasound is only conjecture at this point. Jeff is a seasoned pro when it
comes to interviews as he has done quite a few. I enjoyed spending the
afternoon with him. He is a good person and true professional. I'm glad he is
on our side.

Kathy Strain just had a Class A sighting just a week before I interviewed
her. She was very humble about it and yet excited it happened. She has a very
closed relationship with the local tribes in California and was very familiar
with this phenomena. Native Americans do not have a name for it, as far as we
know, but in her book there are many passages that reference this same
experience reported today. The Native American connection was very important to
me for this project. Their culture has a deep understanding and respect for the
local flora and fauna that the white man never will. To discount their stories
and folklore would be foolish.

When I first called Mike, I must have spent more than an hour on the phone
and divulged just about everything about his research. I was drawn to SIR
because this phenomena had been occurring on a regular basis and so much so that
they coined a name for it "Sizzling." This was also the first time anyone had
every suggested it could be electrical. If I was going to get a chance to
record this event, this would be it. All other accounts of it were singular and
random in nature. He invited me out to visit all his locations the following
July and I could not wait. Mike's hospitality and generosity was unmatched and
I knew we would become friends. He picked me up at the airport an we spent the
entire week in his remote locations. While up in the flat tops, I was sure that
I felt the sensation of being sizzled-although it was mild by most accounts.
Unfortunately, I was not well versed on the recording equipment I brought and
just brushed it aside and just settled for my digital recorder which I kept on
the entire trip.

In closing, what I have learned about
this energy so far is very little. The symptoms described by witnesses have
characteristics of both sound and electricity. I have not yet given
experimentation a good college try, but I believe the best is yet to come. We
(SIR) have a location where this happens on a regular basis and a golden
opportunity to record it.
I hope you enjoyed what Tony has shared as much as I did. There are many unexplained things that happen in the world of Big Foot. People like Tony will help solve some of them.
So my friends we will continue our endeavor to unlock some of these mysteries of Big Foot.